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CoreGUI Enterprise V1.2.4 Build 123702 Beta 5
CoreGUI Enterprise V1.2.4 Build 123702 Beta 5

Welcome to the CoreGUI Wiki.

CoreGUI is a freeware Desktop Environment project by, cloud Lillith Platform and Maintainers. This is also commonly used for PC Techs in remote support and is a valuable tool if you ever need to work in Service Mode / Backstage mode. It can also be used to recover installations where explorer refuses to start or has been compromised.

This software was originally developed after a faulty install of Windows caused Explorer to constantly crash. CoreGUI was initially built during this issues lifetime and was completed by launching VS from CMD and then building the project from there.

CoreGUI is proprietary software but can be freely reverse engineered and modified as long as modified forms are not redistributed, licensed or otherwise sold/leased.

Here you can find out information about the CoreGUI Project.

Getting Started

Latest Releases

Latest Version by Branch
Version Branch Stable Beta Maintainer
V1.2.4 arm B123701 B123702-beta-4 cLP
azure/hci B123702 B123703-beta-3 EOL, use enterprise
enterprise B123701 B123702-beta-6.7-git-dev-c5f8da49
enterprise-backport To be released To be released
V1.2.4 deprecated B123667 None EOL

Note: Users running 1.2.4 Non-arm versions should upgrade to 1.2.4-arm. This can be done by first upgrading to 1.2.4-666, then installing build 667-upgrade-to-arm. This will allow you to then upgrade to the latest version of CoreGUI.
Note: Maintainers other than cloud Lillith Platform should also be considered forks, these may or may not follow the primary CoreGUI code-base, but can offer better features than mainstream arm/enterprise builds. Note: As of latest CoreGUI Enterprise builds, F1/Dock Menu can self-adapt and automatically add Supported Applications to the menu.

Legacy Versions
Version Branch Latest Earliest
V1.2.4 IE B124001-Beta B124001-Beta
V1.2.4 R2 Beta-2 Beta-1
V1.2.4 x64 B123646 B123646
V1.2.4 Legacy B123629 B123629
V1.2.3 PRIV B123367 B123001
V1.2.2 Standard 24042020 12032019 (Lost Build)
V1.2.2 IA 31012020 26012020
V1.2.2 Linux-WINE 04092019 01092019

Bug Tracker

For builds that have active support, please see the Bug Tracker.

CoreGUI Editions

Active Development:

End of Life:

Click here for a full list of builds.

CoreGUI Specific

Standalone applications


Modules are included in more recent V1.2.5 Beta versions