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CGUIPM (also known as CoreGUI Package Manager) was an application in-development for streamlining the installation of packages in CoreGUI to replace the existing Online Package Manager and Offline Package Manager.

CoreGUI Package Manager (Standalone)
CoreGUI Package Manager (Standalone)

This package manager would allow third parties to create packages and install wizards for CoreGUI.

Package Template Files

By default, the main GUI provides an example of This folder contains multiple files required by the Package Manager.

The required files consist of:

  • app.bmp - The image to be displayed for the package installer
  • appdesc.inf - The application description to be displayed
  • appname.inf - The application name to be displayed.
  • getf.inf - Contains the instructions in the CGUIPM-SCRIPT language for the installation.


The test application package contains the following in getf.inf:

  • CGUI-OUTPUT-LOC=C:\cgui\apps\%appname%\test.exe
  • CGUI-GET=test.exe

This can be broken down into basic commands:

  • CGUI-OUTPUT-LOC - The output location for the file to be downloaded
  • CGUI-GET - The get command to download a file from the same location
  • CGUI-END - Defines the end of the installation script.