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The System Protection Violation dialog box is displayed when the CoreGUI Folder fails to be detected.

CoreGUI System Protection Violation dialog box.
CoreGUI System Protection Violation dialog box.

The monitor for System Protection is handled by F1 and is also responsible for displaying this dialog box when the directory cannot be accessed.

When this dialog is displayed, all other CoreGUI applications on the same thread will be halted from user interaction, forcing an action to be taken on the dialog.

The dialog contains 3 actions that the user can choose to proceed with.

  1. Restart CoreGUI - This will allow bstrap to attempt a file system recreation on startup
  2. Close CoreGUI
  3. Fix Now - Silently launches a background bstrap


In previous verisons of CoreGUI, an option to continue was present. This however, was removed after multiple applications relying on the folder such as tasklistz would fail to start properly or cause CoreGUI to crash entirely.