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Reinit is responsible for creating and maintaining CoreGUI's Virtual Registry Filesystem when CoreGUI starts.

During a standard CoreGUI startup, F1 will call Reinit after bstrap has finished. initsetup is also present during this process to report the startup progress.

Reinit is a slightly more advanced version of Reginit as it automatically configures the environment at startup and fills missing values for applications automatically.

Internal CoreGUI Filesystem

Reinit can be found in the following location:

  • CoreGUI Standard: CoreGUI\00V2\reinit
  • CoreGUI Enterprise: CoreGUI\int\enterprise\rinit\reinit
  • CoreGUI 1.2.4-R2: Modules\reinit
    • (Inherits Modules\SystemLogger)

Informational Codes

The below codes can be used to identify faults or failures within the 1.2.4-R2 Reinit system. Functionaly, it's the same, however logs differently. You'll need to use sysloggui to get this information as OngoingThing is NOT present in 1.2.4-R2.

0x0: reinit has not been run or has failed to initialise. See the log for more information.
0x1: reinit has initialised variables, but not enumerated anything.
0x2: reinit has encountered an error whilst trying to access a key or subkey.
0x3: reinit was unable to create a config key, key, or subkey.
0x4: reinit was unable to write data to a key, config key, subkey, or value.
0x5: reinit was unable to access/read data from a key, config key, subkey or value.
0x6: reinit has passed a request without problems.
0x7: reinit has finished but problems encountered during the process.
0x8: reinit has finished successfully, no problems were reported during the process.
0x9: reinit optional/diagnostic informational post.


  • On Enterprise editions of CoreGUI, the top bar is blue, in standard versions, this is black.
  • Reinit originally had one progress bar, however a second was added for reinit application initialisation.
  • Reinit is one of the few CoreGUI System Applications to have no user-interactable functions.
  • Reinit does not display as Reinit, and instead displays it's title as CoreGUI.
  • Reinit stands for 'Registry Initialisation'.