All CoreGUI Apps
Revision as of 02:25, 13 November 2021 by Administrator (talk | contribs)
CoreGUI's internal filesystem contains many applications, some of which may have no user-interactable forms.
A list of the system applications can be found below, relative to their version. Versions that do not contain new apps are not included.
- aboutcgui
- advSampleConfig
- AppCrash
- apphelp
- atogui
- avpan
- batpan
- bstrap
- confbox
- ConfigEditor
- confrestzrdp
- CoreSettings
- CoreSettingsV4
- dedupmenu
- deskres
- DevAppHost
- DisableShowAppsOnTaskbar
- dockwatch
- DownloadTool
- EvtVwr
- F1AutomatedDockApp
- fmgr
- fmgrAppL
- fmgrAppLPLUS
- fmgrv2
- fmgrv2_cnf
- fmgrv2_df
- fmgrv2_newdir
- Form1
- fprop
- imgload
- InitSetup
- InstAdDep-S1
- installaddfeat
- Instigator
- ipconf
- loader
- lowDLL
- lowDLLwarning
- MD5-This
- mnd
- modfeat
- NetAdapters
- notificationbox
- OngoingThing
- OpenWithCGUI
- PackageInst
- PackMan
- PotentialIncompatibility
- powerz
- publog
- reginit
- reinit
- resetf1
- RolesAndFeatures
- rpg
- safeboot
- seccent
- ServerManager
- ServiceStarter
- Setupz1
- successbox
- sysprotviolation
- tasklistz
- taskzchooseact
- timedSuccessBox
- updUSRlist
- vboxwarning
- vmdetect
- WineIncompat
- wp32
<tab name="1.0.4">
- CoreSettings
- DownloadTool
- DevBuild
- F1
- fmgr
- rpg
- PackageInst
- PackMang
- Powerz (Potentially in this build, inaccessible but referenced by F1)
- Offline Package Manager
- Rtimer
- DevAppHost
- ActivateProcess
- kproc
- sproc
- taskzchooseact
- tasklistz